Warcry Warband Roster - Ready for Tome of Champions

WARCRY Warband Roster - interactive!

The interactive Warcry datasheet for the troubled warlord. Adds up all warband points automatically! Tome of Champions-Ready! And in A4 format!

Updates +++++
Version 2.1 now online:

Main features:
-> Automatically add up your warband with a few clicks!
-> Ready for Warcry - Tome of Champions 2021
-> Separate fields for leader and favoured warrior
-> Write everything properly on the PC - no pencil writing and erasing!
-> New territories automatically add 50 points to the total number of points!
-> Inept fighters? Delete individual figures or entire warbands with one click!
-> The best: No more waiting for updates from GW !!

Get the interactive Warcry Warband Roster PDF here.

Are you tired of Games Workshop failing to update the Warcry Warband Roster or Varanscribe? Or losing your data, because you got a new phone?

So am I.

I also find it extremely exhausting to adjust my Warcry warband to 1000 points. Especially the newly released factions with a zillion of fighter variants make it a nightmare.

For similar reasons, I have already built me an interactive data sheet for Killteam - so now I made me one for Warcry.

It saves me the calculator and I can quickly try out new combinations.

But first: The simple up to date Warcry Warband Roster Print Out Version

Warcry Warband Roster PDF
If you prefer to fill out everything by hand, I have the plain and simple analog (non-interactive) print out PDF version for you.

Much larger than the one in the book (A4) and, as far as I know, the only PDF version yet with all the fields you need for the campaign mode of "Monster & Mercenaries" and "Book of Champions 2020".

Click here to download the NON interactive Warcry PDF Version!

And now: The Interactive Warcry Warband Roster PDF Version

This is by far the best way to keep your records clean and tidy. The PDF contains a form in which your data is entered in a sophisticated style.

Best of all, it automatically sums up your warband's points. This simplifies the assembly of a group of warriors for Warcry by 1000% !!!

Print it out, fight your battles and add your notes. Come back and tidy it up again.

Add territories, delete warriors with a simple click.

I made a small video (German with English subtitles) that shows all the features:

Ready to print out in A4!

I have optimized all the data for A4 format. The space for each fighter is optimally used to the last pixel!

And it "already" contains all the information that is need for the champions mode from the Warcry - Tome of Champions Book 2020 (we have been waiting for this from Games Workshop for months)

Caution! Please note!

For the best experience use the data sheet with Acrobat Reader (free) on a desktop computer (or laptop)(PC or Mac). Other devices or software doesn't work properly (yet).

It's free

But I'd be happy about a little contribution. I placed the interactive PDF on gumroad.com, where you can name the price you are willing pay. Don't worry – a "zero" is okay for me :)
get your free interactive warcry roster at gumroad
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